Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014


Addressed to:
Lecturer in Political System in Indonesia

Ministry The Utilzation of The State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (formerly the Ministry of State for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, State Ministry abbreviated PAN) is a ministry of the Government of Indonesia which shall be responsible for the reform of the state apparatus and bureaucracy.
Realizing the state apparatus who clean, competent and serves
Main propulsion bureaucracy reform
Non Government Institutions ( LPNK )
Non Government Institutions ( LPNK ) is a state agency established to assist the president in carrying out certain governmental tasks . Non Government agencies are under the president and is responsible directly to the president through the minister or ministerial-level officials involved. The following list of Non Government Organization in Indonesia .
1.      National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia ( ANRI ) , under the coordination of Ministry The Utilization of The State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform . National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia ( abbreviated : ANRI ) is one of the Ministry of Non-Government Institutions established under Act No. 7 of 1971 on the Basic Provisions of Filing which is then converted into Law No. 43 Year 2009 About Archives in order to carry out administration tasks in the field of archives in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force . ANRI has a very important task in the operation of the current government because of Archives itself has a very vital function as a collective memory of the nation , but it also serves as an adviser ANRI National Archives in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 1 of Law No. 43 of 2009 . Archives can be illustrated journey through the history of the nation from time to time . The collective memory is also the identity and dignity of a nation . Academic awareness based on moral burden to save the national archives as evidence of accountability as well as the nation's cultural heritage , to avoid loss of information as well as the history of a nation's dignity as a civilized nation .

2.      Civil Service Agency ( BKN ) , under the coordination of Ministry The Utilization of She State Apparatus Reform and Bureaucratic Reform . In accordance with the development , where the perceived role of government officials , the government considers necessary to re- position , function , task , and organizational CTP . This view as stipulated in Government Regulation No. 32 of 1950 and its implementing regulations referred to in the Prime Minister's Decision No. 30/PM/1951 dated 7 April 1951 . For this purpose , the CTP is the institution in charge of fostering employment changed to State Personnel Administration Agency ( BAKN ) by Government Regulation No. 32 Year 1972. Regulation in this is as well as the implementation of Law No. 18 of 1961 . Government Regulation Number 32 of 1972 , the position , function , task , organization and administration of institutions that manage staffing , increasingly developed . Based on the Government Regulation , BAKN established as a non-departmental government institution located directly under and responsible to the President , has the function to enhance , maintain and develop the country in the field of personnel administration in order to achieve the smooth running of the government.

3.      Institute of Public Administration ( LAN ) , under the coordination of Ministry The Utilization of The State and Bureaucratic Reform . Established by Government Regulation . 30 of 1957 dated August 6, 1957 and the structure of the organization and field duties stipulated in Decree No. Prime Minister . 283/P.M./1957 . Establishment of Institute of Public Administration at the time was primarily driven by an urgent need for the Government to civil servants , the more who occupy leadership positions in the government apparatus , will prowess and skills in the areas of administration and management that will support their ability to perform their duties . Besides, the government administrative system which at that time still originate on system administration and government heritage Dutch Japanese Army , such conditions deemed to be incompatible with the needs of the government administration in the state independence of the Republic of Indonesia . Therefore, it is necessary to research and development efforts of government administration more in line with the situation in Indonesia as an independent country .

Problem :
Bureaucracy in Indonesia, both at the central and regional levels , throughout the New Order under the spotlight and often sharp criticism for his conduct that is incompatible with the duties entrusted as public servants . Therefore, when people talk about the bureaucracy is always a negative connotation . Bureaucracy is slow , convoluted , impede progress , tend to pay attention to the procedure than substance , and inefficient .
System Reforms in Indonesia has not been able to run well . There are at least five problems that inhibit Reforms in Indonesia. This was stated by Minister of State for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform ( PAN - RB ) , Anwar Abubakar , the official website of the Ministry of PAN - RB , Tuesday ( 04/10/2012 ) . The fifth problem is that , the organization and functions of the authority are not appropriate and targeted , public services do not meet the needs and satisfaction of the people , mindset and work culture does not support the bureaucracy that is efficient, effective , productive , and professional service , legislation that overlap , and human resource . To that end , all five issues are expected to be immediately resolved . " Reform of the bureaucracy do not wait but will have to be realized soon " he said . In addition , Anwar said , for the acceleration of bureaucratic reforms in all areas , must be the unity of all elements of all that it can be achieved .
Thus the bureaucracy in Indonesia does not develop into more efficient , but quite the contrary inefficiency , convoluted and many formal rules are not adhered to . Indonesian bureaucracy is characterized also by high employee growth and division organizational structure and bureaucracy makes getting bigger and bigger . Bureaucracy also increasingly controlling and controlling society in the political , economic and social .
Indonesian bureaucracy stamp as it was not up there alone , but through a cultural approach to the Indonesian bureaucracy in the category of patrimonial bureaucracy . The characteristics of patrimonial bureaucracy is ( 1 ) the officers screened on the basis of personal criteria , (2 ) position is seen as a source of wealth and profit , (3 ) control officials either political functions or administrative functions , and ( 4 ) any action directed by personal relationships and politics .
The emergence of patrimonial bureaucracy in Indonesia is a continuation of the legacy system and the traditional values ​​that grow in the future kingdoms of the past and mixed with colonial -style bureaucracy . So , in addition to growing the bureaucracy modern but also traditional bureaucratic legacy coloring in the development of bureaucracy in Indonesia. Just as courtiers and gentry are also multi-layered , civil servants were composed of various rank , class and echelon . Motto servants are servants of the state implies oriented upwards , thus similar to the royal bureaucracy . More emphasis on bureaucracy devoted to the top than to the bottom as a service to the community .

Solve :
Growth of power in the government bureaucracy in line with the growth and development of governance itself . Growth and development that government sometimes due to socio- economic development function , as ideology and political pressure to expand revenue . Sometimes due to the influence of the classification of public policy activities . There is also increasing due to increase in budget and personnel who work on government activities . All of it brought a great influence for the public . More than that no other community organizations that mempu rival powers that grow and thrive in the government .
Apparatus should be aware that the bureaucratic reform will change the government bureaucracy into a powerful bureaucracy and a world -class governance , which is able to provide facilitation and public services are excellent and free of corruption . To this regard, reform should be carried out in earnest, consistent , institutionalized , gradual , and continuous . Thus , the bureaucracy is expected to be formed to support and accelerate the success of development in various fields . Economic activity will increase in the aggregate and will encourage higher economic growth . With the increasingly widespread economic activity , will be available state revenue base to finance larger sustainability bureaucratic reform and development in other areas of the wider .
Bureaucracy in a country it is definitely there and undone just how proper implementation and expected by the public , therefore the run bureaucracy must comply with the duties are done by professionals , as well as in the bureaucracy should be the aspect of transparency or openness and efficient and effective in its implementation and periodically , sustained , and institutionalized .

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